Personal training session
Miami, USA
- Yoga
- Fitness
1 hour training session with client
Evaluating customers’ physical needs
Assigning appropriate exercise activities
Track customers’ fitness progress
Evaluate clients’ fitness levels and health conditions
Build individualized exercise programs
Explain exercises in detail and suggest alternatives if needed
Monitor progress of clients’ fitness levels
Explain safe and proper use of gym equipment
Research on new exercise techniques and trends
Build a positive and trusting relationship with customers
Advise customers on how to change nutritional and lifestyle habits as needed
Your instructor
Personal trainer and yoga instructor
I have been a personal trainer for over 5 years. I have a specialized certification in the fundamentals of glute building, I am a certified yoga instructor as well.
Important info
Cancellation policy
Client has the option to cancel 48 hours prior to scheduled appointment.
Program duration: 1 session
Rating and reviews
Average rating - 0 (based on 0 reviews)